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Movie Making

Movie Making

Date & Time: 9th February 2024 @ 11:00 AM



Each team should comprise a maximum of three students. A member can be part of only one team. No change in the team structure is permitted after the team has registered, The event is open for students of any UG/PG Course, Participants must adhere to the timelines. Incomplete entries or entries that do not comply with the above specifications will be automatically disqualified.Teams would cover Aaghaaz 2023 in their videos, edit and present the videos in form of movie. The short film can include text, images, photos, videos or any combination of these elements on Aaghaaz. The Video duration must be a minimum of 5 min and a maximum of 10 min. The decision of the organizers of the event and the panel of judges will be final and will be binding on all the participants. The video must not contain any nudity , otherwise offensive or inappropriate content.

Cash prizes along with medals:

1st Prize :

2nd Prize :

Rules & Regulations:

-Entries are invited for solo as well as team (2 members maximum).

-The theme of the Video making competition is Glimpses of Aaghaaz- 2024@IMSEC.

-Every video must use the hashtag while uploading their video on the given link. #SMARTCapture

-The video should revolve around the theme subject and the Video length would be Max (1-2minutes).

-Contents should not be disrespectful and abusive. The use of slang language must be avoided.

-The video can be edited using music and captions and should be one's own creation. No plagiarism is accepted.

-The quality of the video should be of minimum 720p.(1080p is accepted but while online streaming, it is difficult to be visible to all video participants, analysing an optimum internet speed, so it is your own choice if you wish to make your video in 1080p).

-The Criteria for evaluation will be Creativity, Content, editing skills and Concept

Event Coordinators:

1. Rudrank Kaushik - 9871280052

2. Shalini Chauhan -

3. Anjali Jha -

4. Anjali Verma -